24 December 2006

Learning in Cambodia

My purpose in Cambodia

I am in Cambodia as a two way info exchange. I expect some pretty challenging questions at my next stop in Vietnam , so I wanted to drop into their neighbours (Cambodia) and see how they do WatSan here. While here, I am also to get an understanding of the arsenic issues so we can offer assistance including helping with funding proposals.

Claire and Chris.
The main person I am working with is Claire Dixon (Australian Volunteer Ambassador). Claire and her fiancĂ© Chris are out here together. Live like a king on workman’s wages…
In Phnom Pen you can live like a king on workman’s wages, and there is a huge crowd of young ex‑pats doing just that. Saturday night Clair has a party. About 20 young Aussies turn up for a BBQ and a splash in the Para pool. It has the buzz and excitement of the first few weeks of university. Probably because there is a huge crowd of young 20-somethings.

Water Stuff...
Too be effective, the technologies typically need to be increadibly simple and cheap. Have a look at solar disinfection... it does not get much simpler or cheaper than this.
>>>Hint: For the technophobes (that is you Mum and Dad!) the coloured text "solar disinfection" is a "hyperlink". If you click on it with your mouse you will be taken to a new web page.

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